Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shutterfly Holiday Cards

It's time to get started on the Christmas cards. I usually don't try to take time to do it, but this year I decided to photo cards. We had some really awesome pictures made when we were in St. Lucia and Shutterfly has the cutest cards. Plus, just for blogging about it I get 50 free cards. If you blog, you can too. You can learn more about it by going to

I have used Shutterfly in the past, but I had no idea they had such great gift ideas. You can do a calendar and they have canvas wall art

So, I think I have narrowed my choice for our Christmas card this year down to this one  or this one

Time to start deciding and get busy creating.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Benefits of Blogging

Sometimes it pays to blog. Even if you know that no one reads it.

I love photography and I love pictures.  I love taking pictures, editing photos and looking at photos.  Shutterfly is one of my favorite companies to use for bringing my pictures to life.

Check out Shutterfly. You might be suprised at what you find and the goodies that come your way.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pictures and Facebook - My Soapbox for Today

No one reads my blog and I am okay with that.

I am very annoyed with the ingnorance of people who put pictures on Facebook expecting them to be safe.

People, if you put a picture on Facebook anyone that is your friend has access to it. They can take it and save it to their computer, they can share with their friends, and now they can edit it with a photo editing program on the internet.

If you want to keep your pictures "safe" don't post them on Facebook. Educate yourself on the safety aspects of Facebook. You can limit who sees your pictures and has access to them.

Facebook is a public place. Anything you post can be shared. Don't be shocked if your pictures end up some place that you don't want them to be.

Thank you for reading. I feel better now.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Crazy Life

First of all let me tell you how excited I am to be the "Weekly Spotlight" on It's Hip to Clip Coupons. I will admit when I first saw their post and a picture of a tutu, that I thought someone had hijacked one of my pictures. But noooo!!! IT WAS ME! Each weekend they open up their blog to showcase their readers talents. How cool is that!

My life has been so crazy lately. I am trying to get my Etsy store up and running, make tutus for the nieces, get ready for local fall craft shows and help a friend get ready for her new baby.

On top of my love of tutus, I love taking pictures. But best of all I love taking pictures of little girls in my tutus. I am so blessed to be able to have the opportunity to do just that this weekend. I have three great nieces that have a girl cousin and we are getting them all together to do their picture. In tutus of course!  Four little girls. What were my niece and I thinking. We can do it and it will be awesome.

Well, off to cut more tulle. Thanks again to my new friends at It's Hip to Clip Coupons.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Not Me Monday For the Very First Time

My week was so crazy, I decided I needed to join in on the Not Me Monday fun. So here it goes.

I did not venture in to the land of SMAK (Summer Music Activities for Kids) for the very first time. I did not attempt to help five children with a puppet project that I had no idea which direction it was going. I did not change the direction in the middle of the week because the original plan failed. I did not stay up in until the wee hours of the morning most of the week working to make sure these puppets were perfect. In the midst of SMAK I did not decide that I could do a maternity shoot for one of my very best friends. I did not edit most of the 174 pictures while sleep deprived. I did not come home after SMAK and take a 2 hour nap every day. I did not jump for joy on Friday after SMAK was over. I did not volunteer myself to do the slideshow for SMAK that needed to be done by Friday. Oh I almost forgot, I did not go help my friend decorate for her daughters birthday party in the midst of my chaotic week. Oh and I surely didn't spend the day running errands on Friday with my husband. And my week wasn't over on Friday. I didn't spend Saturday morning at my friends daughter's 4th birthday party. I didn't take over 400 pictures. And I didn't come home and take a 2 hour nap again. I didn't make my husband run out to the store at 7:30 Saturday night because I didn't have any DVD's for my slideshow. And I did not ask him to get to the church by 8:30 on Sunday morning to deliver that slideshow either.  And to conclude my crazy Sunday, I didn't co-host a baby shower in the afternoon and then have to be at the church by 6 for our SMAK performance.

Wow, I sure wish I could say I didn't do all those things. It makes me tired just typing it again.

Happy Monday!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Just for Kelly's Korner - Pics of some of my tutus

These are pictures of some of the tutus I have made.

Shades of blue

Turqouise mix

Shades of pink

John Deere Lovers

Pink and blue

Hope you enjoyed my tutus! I love making them.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

All Those Years Ago......

Something that I thought I was over popped back up in my life recently. I am going to be very vague so please bear with me. It's not something I thought I would ever think of again so I am using this post to gather my thoughts.

Have you ever just stopped something cold turkey? A relationship, a hobby, a habit....

Is it possible that we need closure when we stop something cold turkey. Just something to signify that it is over.

Relationships always seem  to end, but there is usually something significant to cause them to end. Friendships end over disagreements, marriages end in divorce or death.  People go different directions in their lives for a million reasons. Have you ever walked away from your best friend because at the time you had a choice to make? Did you ever look back and wonder what if?

Many years ago I walked away from my best friend. I had a choice to make and I to choose.

As I look back all these years later, I have such vivid memories of that best friend. I know I made the right choice, but I still wonder what if.....  There are still certain things, to this day, that I absolutely love because that friend introduced me to them. That person helped shape me into the person that I am today. They introduced me to things I would never have experienced if it had not have been for them.

Thank you long lost friend. Who would I be or what would I have become if I had not walked away from you.  It was a "Lovely Cruise".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What a Year! 2009

Pictures are missing from this posting also. Sorry!

Obviously it has been a long time since I have written in my blog. I was doing really good, but then I guess life got crazy and I just put it out of my mind.

I was thinking just today about some of the things I had written about earlier in the year and I decided I needed to revisit my year.


I couldn't even begin to write about everything, but here are the highlights:

My brother made me an auntie in January - Natalie Cho was born. What a ray of sunshine in my life.

Little did I know, but someone that would become a really good friend of mine had a baby boy just a few days before Natalie was born. One of my new forever friends and her family - Kevin, Stacy, Riley and Clay. Part of my ever growing extended family.

February and March were pretty normal as far as I can remember, but along came April and two new babies.

My longtime friend, Jennifer, had another baby boy- Brody Jackson. And my new bestie, Sara and her husband, had a baby girl - Hailey Alexis. Wow! What a month!

In May, Chris and I celebrated 14 years of marriage. Jennifer moved back to Texas at the end of the month. Could anything get better?

In June, Chris and I went to San Francisco for 10 days. That was a fabulous trip, even if he did have to work. I got to do some exploring on my own and then we went to Yosemite.

August delivered Emma's second birthday. Wow! She is growing up too fast.

September was Disney World with the fam. Chris and I along with Jon, Tonya, Emma, and my mother in law, braved the heat. Oh did I forget to mention that at this point Tonya is about 4 1/2 months pregnant with my great niece. We had a blast. Disney with a 2 year old was incredible.

October brought the newest addition to our ever growing family. Cassidy Renee' came into this world a tiny little girl, but healthy.

And that brings us up to date. My header picture is from just the other day. It doesn't show the babies, but all of my husband's family. Christmas was fun with both families.

Needless to say I have been truly blessed this year. And the new year is starting off with a bang. Molly Joy will be here before we know it.

If you read my blog you know that God made a promise to me almost 11 months ago. He told me that I may not have a child to love that would come from my womb, but that I would be blessed with many children to love. I look back at all the babies that have come into my life this year and I am just amazed. Oh and I can't forget about all the other children that I am blessed to know and be able to love on.

It has been some kind of year - full of life, fun, sadness, pain, love, fun, adventure and new blessings. I wonder what can happen in the next four days?

Mother's Day May 10, 2009

Mother's Day is not an easy day for me. No, I didn't lose my mother, I am still blessed to have her on this earth and be able to tell her all the time that I love her and do things for her. When I woke up this morning I was hit with the sudden realization that it would be another one of those days where people all around me would be celebrating and would be standing on the outside looking in. I am not a mother. I will never be on the receiving end of a Mother's Day celebration. As I was sitting in church this morning I realized I had not dealt with these issues yet. All of a sudden this overwhelming pain hit me and I began to cry and of course feel sorry for myself.

As I was sitting there in my very own pity party in the middle of church, God began to comfort me and speak to me. He reminded me that just because I don't have children from my womb to call me mother, He has blessed with gifts beyond measure to be a motherly figure to the children in my life.

I don't like using the word godmother. But for lack of a better description I have to feel as though that is what God has intended for me. To be a God mother. To wrap the children in my life in my protective arms, love them, spoil them, instill the wisdom that God has given me and support their parents in their upbringing.

I am a protector, teacher, care giver, advisor, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear. I am a God mother.

Thank you God for blessing my life with family, friends, and children. Thank you for reminding me that I am important to them and to their lives.

Happy God mother's Day!

Selfishness!? (March 9, 2009)

I am struggling even to begin to know what to title this post. The best thing I can come up with is selfishness.

I have been struggling with what I thought was a real issue. Turns out all it was me! There wasn't a problem at all. It was all in my head. I am thankful that I addressed what I thought was an issue and found out it wasn't anything at all. Don't I feel dumb!

Thank you God for reminding me to communicate with the ones I love. Help me to remember to put them first, find out what is going on and then see where I fit in to the situation. Thank you for family, friends and a husband that love me even when I think it is all about me.

Reading What I Write! (March 5, 2009)

Ok, I just decided that it is time that I go back and read what I have written. In one breath I can talk about showers of blessings, get frustrated about baby showers and turn around and talk about coping with my misery. Man, it overwhelms me to read what I have written.

If I had just gone back and read what I had written about showers of blessings maybe I never would have been in that horrible funk. I don' t know? I am truly at a loss.

I learned a hard lesson this weekend about my misery that I carry around. Sometimes it affects those around me. Yikes! I didn't even think about that. Pity parties aren't supposed to have guests. A pity party is simply for yourself. I've decided that it is time for me to "Put on my big girl panties and deal with it!" No more pity parties. No more whining to my friends. No more feeling sorry for myself. There is a reason why I am where I am. God knows why He put me here. If I am going to whine to anyone or invite anyone to my pity party the only guest will be God. He know my pain, He knows how to fix it. My husband, my mom, my friends, nor my family have the answer to my misery. God can heal the wounds! He has all the answers!

The real question is, can I remember to call God and invite Him to my pity party the next time something comes up?

God, help me to remember that you are my rock and that you have all the answers. Help me to be a better friend and not lay all my junk on them. Heal my wounds and help me to see that you know all. God, I put my emotions in your hands. Thank you for being there for me and blessing me with such sweet, dear friends.

Put on Your Highwaters! (March 4, 2009)

Lately I have been struggling with a huge issue in my life. Infertility. Granted this issue has been around for over a decade now, but it still seems to consume my life. I attended a baby shower on Saturday that just dug up the whole issue again. It has gotten so bad that I don't know how to comfort myself nor do others. I finally resolved that God is the only one big enough to handle it. This decision was made Saturday night and in church Sunday morning I was given the tools to deal with it. Once again, God works in mysterious ways.

The message was about getting out of the boat and walking on the water with Jesus. Taking that step of faith and telling Jesus wait for me I am coming with you. Leaving all my junk in the boat, that by the way is sinking in my case.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation." Hebrews 11: 1-2

My boat is filled with pain, misery and unforgiveness. Pain and misery that I have carried around for years. Pain and misery that I have laid on other people. Not being able to forgive myself for choices that I made years ago. That was a choice that I made. I can't go back and undo that choice now, it is to late. I can't remember now if I made that choice on my own or if I even consulted God. Either way it is done. He has given me the tools to deal with, but I have just never taken them down off the shelf.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Well, I have filled my boat so full that it is either time to walk on the water with Jesus or sink. I don't want to sink. I know I have to take that step of faith that He can take care of this. One step at a time, eyes focused ahead on the man that can take care of it all. No more burdens, pain or suffering.

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Take off the socks and shoes, put on the highwaters (capris, pedal pushers, whatever it is that you call them) and let's go take a walk on the water.

Where do I go from here? (March 1, 2009)

Well, as much as I was looking forward to it I was very uncomfortable at my friend's baby shower today. Don't get me wrong I am super excited for her. You would think that after a certain period of time that it would become easier to celebrate the coming of a new life. It was not her baby shower specifically, it is ALL baby showers. I feel like an outsider, I get depressed and it just plain hurts!!! That is the only way I know how to describe it.

Both of my really good friends are getting ready to have a baby in the next couple of months. I can't live under a rock until all this passes. How do I deal with the fact that I will never have that experience? God has promised me that there will be children in my life for me to love. I know that this is true because I have already seen the results of that promise.

I am starting to wonder if I just haven't forgiven myself for not being able to have a baby. Having a baby has been the one dream that I have always had! Granted I did have the opportunity to go through fertility treatments, but I just didn't have the strength at the time and now I regret it. I let myself down. That is all it comes down to. So instead of being able to forgive myself for not going through with the whole process I punish myself every time someone close to me has a baby.

I still have one more baby shower and two births to get through (that I know of so far)! Where do I go from here? How do I get past my inability to cope with a simple party? How do I keep from grieving every time some one I love has a baby?

Desperately in need of answers!!!

Showers of Blessings (Feb 24, 2009)

Lately my main focus has been planning a baby shower for a really good friend. You would think that planning a baby shower would be hard for someone who has never had the pleasure of being showered for a baby. There was a time not too long ago that I would have shied away from even being involved in the shower, much less the planning. Baby showers used to depress me so bad. I would get very jealous. Then it would take me days to get out of my funk.

I am having a blast making sure that this shower is just right. I am a part of making sure that my beautiful friend has an awesome day.

While I sit here and think about baby showers and being showered with gifts it made me realize that gifts are not the only thing you can be showered with and you don't have to have a baby or be getting married to be showered.

I am showered every day. My Daddy God makes sure that He showers me with blessings from the time I wake up until the time I put my head on my pillow. I have come to find out that we just need to open our hearts, hear His voice, and let Him take care of us. He will truly bless us, even if it is just something little. Lately the blessings have been flowing so freely that I need to make sure and carry my umbrella.

Sometimes baby showers aren't always the most comfortable place for a woman to be. But as women we need to make sure that we remember we are always showered with love from our Daddy God.

"Showers of blessings...."

Hopes and Expectations (Feb 20, 2009)

One of these days I am going to learn not to put my hopes in people. I always get upset when I expect too much. It is hard to remember to put my hopes in God. He won't disappoint me like people do.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:24

We put our hopes and expectations in family, spouses, and friends. We forget to put our hopes in God. Lately I have been experiencing great disappointment from my brother. Now I don't know why I am expecting so much from him because we have never really been close. When our family found out that him and his wife were expecting their first baby, I decided that this chasm between us could be bridged. I tried my best to do what I thought a sister would do for her brother. I desired nothing more than to have a close relationship with my brother and sister in law. Well evidently it was not as important to him as it was to me. My hopes of having a close relationship with my brother were dashed. And with that comes the disappointment of not being able to get closer to my sister in law and niece. Don't get me wrong it is still my desire, but there must be another way that I am supposed to reach him. All I want is to be the sister, sister in law and aunt that God wants me to be.

If we put our hopes and expectations in God, He will never let us down. He will fill those needs for us, hold us in His arms when we need that comfort and remind us that we will be blessed for those things we do that we think no one else notices. Family, spouses and friends are not always reliable. If we remember that they are only human it makes the disappointment not so heavy.

Thank you God for always being there for me when no one else is. Thank you for the comfort you provide and for reminding me that you notice everything I do even when those that I want to notice it don't.

Promises (Feb 11, 2009)

A couple of weeks ago, Chris and I were talking about his job situation. The possibility of a move was the topic of that conversation. I immediately became upset about the idea of having to leave our home and the friends we had made. I knew in my heart that it wasn't time for us to leave Baytown. A couple of years ago I would have jumped at the chance to leave. I put the conversation out of my mind and we went on with our evening.

The next day I had the opportunity to spend some time with my mom. I was actually taking her to the Girl's Day Out that KSBJ had put together. You have to understand that for my mom to go with me to a christian event is a rare occurence. It has never happened before. On our way there I was telling her about the job situation. I expressed my concern over having to possibly move. I told her that I had a peace about it and I was just going to make it a matter of prayer. What happened next has never, ever happened with my mom before. As we were driving down Beltway 8, (I was the one behind the wheel) she prayed for Chris and I. Out loud! It literally brought me to tears. Needless to say the rest of the day was very emotional.

Within the next couple of days I received a promise from God. It was one of many that He laid on my heart. He promised me that the job situation was in His hands and that we were going to be able to stay where we were and that Chris would have a job in Houston. I remember Him being very specific about those details. Since that day the only time it has ever crossed my mind again was to ask Chris if he knew anything about where he would be going.

Today God's promise came true. Chris got the official announcement that the position he had looked forward to for so many months was happening. We have prayed about this new position, along with our friends, for about 3 months now.

For my friends that prayed for Chris and I, I want to say thank you for being so diligent. God is so awesome. I can't wait to see what else He has planned for us.

Craftiness (Feb 10, 2009)

I don't even know if craftiness is a real word, but that is my inspiration today. I am blessed with craftiness ~ the ability to create. Hobby Lobby and Michaels love me. I am always in the middle of some brilliant idea I had. But in the middle of my craftiness is usually a mess.

I got to thinking about God's craftiness. I was blessed with a beautiful sunset this weekend in Austin. It was so beautiful to me I had to stop and take a picture. It made me late for dinner but it was worth it. In the middle of all that beauty, I thought about the mess we have made. I have to stop and remind myself that we were created in God's craftiness as well.

".. for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13-14

He knew who we would be, yet He still took the time to make us one of a kind. He knew the mess we would make of ourselves and the world around us. He still loves me in the middle of my mess, whether it be my house, my craft room and even my heart. I need to unclutter my heart with all the stuff that I carry around in there. It needs to be all God's. I know that God loves us all in the middle of our mess, but can other people love us too? Can they see through the mess of what we have made of our lives and see our heart? Sometimes it is hard to show other people who we really are. We hide in the middle of all our junk so the real person is never seen. I am tired of hiding behind my junk. I want people to see my heart as it really is. I want them to see all the scars and brokenness. What would happen if we each opened ourselves up to just one person, other than our spouse? God knows our heart and still loves us. My husband knows my heart and still loves me.

Thank you God for your craftiness. Thank you for reminding me that you made me who I am and that you made me beautiful. Help me to see the beauty that you created in me and in others. Give me the ability to show others the beauty you created in them.

Questions? (Feb 4, 2009)

I haven't done a lot of asking "why" over the last several days, I have just worked at what was laid on my heart to do.

It was laid on my heart that I was to share my life. If my words just touch one heart. Maybe this isn't for other people to read. Maybe this is for me. I'm not sure. I have carried around garbage for so many years, but I am not sure that people want to hear about my garbage. I have had struggles just like everyone else. Mine are just my own.

Can what I have been through impact someone else's life? Can my words touch someones heart?

It would have been easier not to even write this evening. I thought who is it going to matter to. No one even knows that my few rambling words are even out there amongst the millions of words written in blogs every day.

I would love to know who reads my random words that come straight from my heart. Leave me a comment. Tell what you think about my crazy words. Tell me your struggles. Come share life with me.

"We are weak, but He is strong...." (Feb 3, 2009)

My inspiration today is the song "Jesus Loves Me". Why He put that song on my heart, only He knows. I have really been struggling with why I am supposed to do these things He laid on my heart recently. The task seems so impossible, but He keeps pushing me along to do what I need to do.

For instance, I have been battling that same junk that has been going around. Poor little Natalie even has it. Normally I would be down and out with no energy at all. That is not the case. In fact I have more energy right now than I have had in months.

One of the stops on my journey, as I like to call it, is to share my life with anyone who takes the time to read my blog. I am not big on speaking in public, but God has given me the gift of being able to express my feelings in words. (At least I think it is a gift.)

I accepted Christ at a young age. Like most people I strayed away and came back again. Almost four years ago, I was at the lowest possible point in my life. I was trying to fix my life all by myself and I was becoming more and more depressed with each passing day. One day I reached the breaking point and could no longer cope with the life I had created for myself. I gave up. I tried to end my life. 48 hours later when I woke up in ICU my first thought was not that I had failed, but that I was important enough that God was giving me another chance. That was the day I vowed I was going to start my life over. It has taken me four long years to turn 38 years of misery around. I did not do it by myself. My Daddy God put the right people in my life to encourage me and help me along. Don't get me wrong I am not 100% where I need to be. I am still a work in progress, but I know that if I can come back from the lowest point in my life I can strive to become the woman God wants me to become.

When I was at my weakest point, He picked me up, dusted me off and gave me a second chance at life. I thank Him for that every day. Sometimes I look back to all I would have missed out on if He hadn't thought I was important enough to save.

I have been blessed with a dear friend that is more like a little sister to me. Right now she lives in Arkansas, but I don't let that stop me from keeping up with what is going on in her life. Her little boy just turned 3 years old. I can't even imagine missing out on the joy he has given me. He calls me Nonnie and every time I hear him say that my heart leaps with joy.

Another blessing in my life is my dear, sweet niece. My nephew hit the gold mine when he found her. They have a baby girl, my great niece, that is 1 1/2 now. I can't believe she is fixing to be 2. She makes me smile so big. I don't get to see her as often as I would like, but when I do I make the most of it.

To my whole family's surprise, my baby brother and his wife told us last June that they were expecting. I remember when they told me. I screamed and cried louder than I ever have before. The joy of knowing that my baby brother was going to be a daddy still bring tears to my eyes. That sweet little angel was born 3 weeks ago. I can't wait to watch her grow up.

My most recent blessing came as a true gift from God. I don't make friends very easily so I was surprised when I was blessed with a new friend. She is such a joy to me. Come to find out she pretty much lives around the corner from me. It is still pretty amazing to me how all this happens. Every day our friendship becomes stronger and stronger. It feels like I have known her for so long. I am comfortable around her and I can truly be myself. Her and her husband are expecting their first baby in a few weeks. An extra blessing on top of our new friendship.

I am so glad the when we are weak, He is strong. I am so glad that He didn't want me to miss out on all these blessings and more. I am thankful that He allowed me to have the rest that I needed so that I could be a better person, wife, sister, aunt and friend.

Getting My House in Order (Feb 1, 2009)

How easy it is for us to forget things we were going through last year. Especially when we can't remember what happened yesterday.

One of the things God recently laid on my heart was to get my house in order. Well that is a tall order to fill. I have suffered with depression for quite a while and that means my house has suffered too. But I guess if I can win the daily fight over depression, I can get my house clean. One room at a time, one day at a time.

Sometimes when God speaks to us and tells us to do something we aren't quite sure why he wants us to. Ever since my conversation with Him, there have been things happen that make me wonder why I am supposed to get my house in order. It could be any one or more of these things:

my husband's job situation is about to change

my results from my medical tests are not going to be what I want them to be

to get ready for the home study that we have waited so long for

to keep my dear friend's new baby so she doesn't have to go to a daycare

to host church related activities in my home

It could be any of those things and I have prepared myself for each of them. I still have a long road ahead of me, but with God on my side and of course my husband's help, I will accomplish what needs to be done.

The Roads I Have Already Traveled (Jan 31, 2009)

Wow! I forgot that I had written about this.

The main road.

I know deep in my heart that God has a new road He wants me to travel. I don't know what it is yet, but he is preparing me. As I listen for where I am supposed to go next, I think it is important to remember where I came from.

Life isn't easy...we all know that. And I am not saying that my life was any harder than the next person's, I just hope that my story touches someone.

I am not sure when it started, but at a very young age I was sexually abused. It is sad to say that it went on for some time. I was scared to tell anybody and I was ashamed of what was happening to me. I carried that burden around with me up until about 10 years ago. (Take in to account that I am now 42.) I had attended a conference with a group of women and one of the speakers was talking about her life and how she had been sexually abused as a child. I will never forget that day. I was sitting in a room of 100's of women and I think there were about 4 that new me personally. I felt like that speaker was talking directly to me! That was the first time I ever pubically acknowledged what had happened to me.

I am thankful that God lead me to cross paths with her, because it lead me down a long road of healing. As I began to take the pieces of my life and inspect each one thouroughly before trying to put it back together. I discovered that the abuse is just the suitcase that you carry down that road. Inside that suitcase are shame, bitterness, loneliness, hurt, guilt, and many, many other emotions. That was my life. All that stuff I carried around with me, consumed me. It affected every desicion I made in my life. As I was working through the healing process I had many people to help me along my way. Some are no longer in my life and some still are. God placed them there for the specific reason of helping me to heal. Unfortunately, I know that what happened to me at such a young age shaped who I am today. I can't go back and undo what was done, I can only take what I have and try to do my best with it.

Over the years, my suitcase has gotten lighter and lighter. I think the only time I know that it is really there is when something happens in my life that I know was a direct result of my past. The wounds are healed, the scars have faded and forgiveness has been given.

This is only a small part of my testimony. I know without one doubt in my mind that the only reason I am still here on this earth today is because my Daddy God carried me in his arms when I was to tired to go on anymore. He held my hand and led me to the people that were supposed to help me. He educated me on what happened to me so that I can hopefully touch someone elses life. He also taught me that the cycle can be broken. That just because someone is sexually abused does not mean that they are going to continue the horrible cycle and abuse someone themselves.

Thank you God for carrying me when I was too tired to walk.

Children (Jan 30, 2009)

The pictures are missing from this blog, but I think the words paint the picture for you. I have come so far since I wrote this last year. It is truly amazing.

I think one of the hardest things a woman can hear is that she can't have a child. To those of us that desire one so bad it is a crushing feeling to know that we will never have a child in our life that is from our womb. I have grieved over this loss so many times. It could be passing a pregnant woman in the store, seeing a brand new baby, having to walk by the children's section in the store, going to a baby shower and the hardest of all... someone close to you having a child.

I experienced this feeling recently when my beautiful niece arrived in this world. Don't get me wrong, I am very overjoyed for my brother and sister in law. To hold that tiny life, just hours old, in my arms is something I will never forget. It was very hard for me to see the joy on their faces and to know that was something I would never experience. I grieved for several days over the fact that they had experienced something I never would.

With the help of a very close friend, I realized that I was not alone in the feelings I was experiencing. She helped to understand that what I was going through was normal and that she had felt the same way not too long ago. Eventually the sadness went away, for the time being, and the joy returned.

I recently had a very intimate conversation with my Daddy God. He gave me a peace about my sadness. In a still quiet voice He promised me that although I may never have a child that I carry in my womb, there would be plenty of children for me to love. The thing is, there are already children in my life that I love and new ones on the way. Our adoption process that has been ongoing could still happen. I look forward to seeing what my Daddy God has planned for me. Let me introduce you to my little loves:

My first love, Garrett. Although he is not blood related, I am still his Aunt Nonnie. He is three now.

This is my great niece, Emma. She isn't blood related either, but I wouldn't tell her any differently. She is one.

The newest love of my life, my niece Natalie. This is my baby brother's little girl and I am so thrilled she is here and that I finally got to meet her. She already has me wrapped around her little finger.

His promise came true a long time ago. I just forget how blessed I am to have them in my life.

Be Still..... (Jan 26, 2009)

This post is from January 26, 2009. I still remember this day like it was yesterday. I remember the promises God made to me that day. It is amazing to sit here over a year later and realize how many of them have come true. There are still some I am waiting on. All in God's timing.

To hear the voice of God and recognize it has to be the most awesome feeling in the world.

On Friday, I experienced what I thought was the onset of the flu. I slept for hours and hours that day only waking for short intervals expecting to feel those unmistakable symptoms. Chris made sure that I ate and had plenty of fluids. I went to sleep that night expecting the worse.

Saturday arrived and much to my relief I was feeling better. Little did I know that my day of rest and rejuvenation was to prepare me for the journey that I was about to embark on.

To recognize that the quiet voice you are hearing in your heart is God speaking to you can be very confusing. To make sense of what you are hearing can be very overwhelming. To explain what you heard is even harder.

On a quiet Saturday afternoon, I heard the voice of God.

"Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

Posts from My Original Blog

I used to blog on another site, but for some reason I decided this is where I needed to blog. I didn't want to lose all my other postings so I moved them over. They are from last year, but I need to be reminded of the words that I wrote. If anyone even reads this blog I hope you don't mind if they show up. Maybe just one word of them will encourage or inspire you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog Addiction

I admit it! I am addicted to blogs! I love to read what other people have to say. I love to see what they are creating and what creative ideas they have.

My goal is to hopefully make my blog something someone wants to read. I want to share my creative ideas with the world. There is a world of opportunities with blogging.

Between my photography, my tutus and the hundreds of other ideas I have in my head I am sure I can help to inspire someone. We will see what happens.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Wonder!?

I am starting to get orders for tutus from people that I don't know. That is a really good thing because that means all the people I know have tutus for their little girls and the word is spreading.

This is the latest tutu I made. For a little girl that I don't know.

The same love, wishes, dreams and joy go into a tutu that I make for a little girl that I don't know as for one that I make for someone I do know.

I wonder what the little girl looks like, what will her face look like when she sees it, will she dance around in it, and will she put it on and never want to take it off.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well I have attempted to blog many times before, but I always end up thinking that what I have to say is not worth reading.
Then I reminded myself that it is not about who reads it. I am doing this for myself.
See, I am not a mom. I don't consider my life exciting, just normal. But, I do have a story to share. I do have daily struggles just like everyone else does. Can how I deal with my issues impact someone else's life? I don't know.
I do know that writing is a release. All those thoughts swimming around in my head need some place to go.
So, I will try blogging again.
I will share my passions - tutus and photography. I will share my struggles - too many to name.
I hope my words will not only help me, but maybe just one other person.