Saturday, May 22, 2010

All Those Years Ago......

Something that I thought I was over popped back up in my life recently. I am going to be very vague so please bear with me. It's not something I thought I would ever think of again so I am using this post to gather my thoughts.

Have you ever just stopped something cold turkey? A relationship, a hobby, a habit....

Is it possible that we need closure when we stop something cold turkey. Just something to signify that it is over.

Relationships always seem  to end, but there is usually something significant to cause them to end. Friendships end over disagreements, marriages end in divorce or death.  People go different directions in their lives for a million reasons. Have you ever walked away from your best friend because at the time you had a choice to make? Did you ever look back and wonder what if?

Many years ago I walked away from my best friend. I had a choice to make and I to choose.

As I look back all these years later, I have such vivid memories of that best friend. I know I made the right choice, but I still wonder what if.....  There are still certain things, to this day, that I absolutely love because that friend introduced me to them. That person helped shape me into the person that I am today. They introduced me to things I would never have experienced if it had not have been for them.

Thank you long lost friend. Who would I be or what would I have become if I had not walked away from you.  It was a "Lovely Cruise".